This program is distributed as FreeWare but Skidperfect Software retains all owernship and rights of ownership in this software. Distribute and copy freely so long as no one other than the author derives a commercial benefit from distributing this software. CD-ROM collections and commercial software distributors, such as EduCorp, must obtain permission from Skidperfect Software in order to distribute this program although Info-Mac CD-ROMs are free to include any of my programs without asking.
***If you redistribute this program it must contain all of its read me documents.***
• About This Strip:
What is it?
This is a Control Strip module who's strip icon is pictured above. To use, simply put it into the Control Strip Modules folder and restart. If you do not have a Control Strip Modules folder (located in the root of your System folder) then you probably do not have the Control Strip control panel installed. As of this writing, Apple does not permit me to distribute Control Strip to other people but if you are resourceful, I'm sure you can find it somewhere on the net or from a proud PowerBook 500 owner.
• A popup menu of the all the items in your Control Panels folder when you click and hold down the mouse on the strip icon (pictured above). Choosing a control panel will open it, switching to, or launching the Finder if necessary.
• If you hold down the SHIFT key, the popup will display the items in your Control Panels (disabled) folder.
• Clicking once and letting go of the mouse on the strip icon will open the Control Panels folder (or the Control Panels (disabled) folder if the SHIFT key is down.)
• If you hold down the SHIFT key while selecting a control panel from either folder, it will be moved to the opposite folder. This provides a simple and fast way to disable and enable control panels.
• If you want to change the name of your control panels disabled folder and know how to use a tool like ResEdit, simply edit the resource of the type 'sdis' to whatever you want. This is very useful for non English systems.
• FreeWare Info:
This program is FreeWare which means that you do not have to pay for it, no matter how long you use it. “What a nice guy”, you must be thinking, “how can I show thanks to him?” Well, you can send me a postcard from your home town, a CD-ROM, or a Mercedes. Be creative but please, no dead rodents. Send to:
Ammon Skidmore
Skidperfect Software, Inc.
601 Rutland St.
Carlisle, MA 01741
As always, E-Mail is welcome too:
• Usual Disclaimer of Warranty:
In using this software, you understand and agree that this software is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. The entire risk as to the results and performance of using this software lies entirely with you, the user. The author does not make any warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to this software. This application should do no damage, but if it does then you will be on your own. I'm not making any money off this so neither should you.
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“Sure there are dishonest men in local government. But there are dishonest men in national government too.”